This beautiful Pansy Elephant designed by Dede Ogden began her life in 1981. She was introduced to me in a workshop with Dede in San Diego. I don't remember if it was a seminar or an EGA workshop (there was no ANG chapter yet there). I also don't remember if it was painted or line drawn. Definitely not counted.
She was moved many times, in various states of unfinished-ness, finally ending up in Reno. Sometime in the early 2000's I finished stitching the Elephant but didn't know what I wanted for a background. Back in the drawer she went.
2008 I was again inspired and decided she should have an oriental Rug behind her. I adapted a design from a book Needlepoint Designs from Oriental Rugs by Goethe Sorensen. I designed the borders.
Ok, so the stitching was done but even though I had used a frame, it was somewhat distorted. Especially the white part of her blanket which is pulled work. That was pretty bumpy. I think I tried to block it out. No success so she sat around in the drawer again for a long while. But recently I showed it to an old friend who thought she could fix it and would make it up into a pillow as well. So here you have her! My nearly 40-year-old elephant!