Sunday, February 15, 2009

Minieri Stitch-of-the-Month Section 1

Today I started on the ANG Stitch-of-the-month project. I was able to complete Section 1 in a relatively short period of time. Can't tell you exactly as I got interrupted with several phone calls and lost track of the time! I have selected Needle Necessities overdyed floss #166 and used DMC floss #712 for Section 1. The overdye has rust, green & cream. I decided to use floss since I have so much of it and won't have to buy very much thread for this project! You will probably notice that there are no lines drawn on my canvas - right! My solution to the enlarging puzzle was to scan it into my charting program, make it the size I wanted, and chart the outlines. So I am stitching from the chart I made rather than drawing on the canvas.


  1. Clever solution, Liz. I can't wait to see what happens next.

  2. This is a great idea! I am also glad to see a changed color scheme. I am not doing the original colors either, and am also going to resize the piece! LOL! Don't I always?

  3. What charting software do you use?

  4. Nancy, I use Pattern Maker Pro by Hobbyware.
