Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Deco Spirits

This piece is Deco Spirits, a cross stitch design by Nora Corbett of Mirabilia Designs. I stitched this design in needlepoint and added a border of my own design. I changed out most of the floss to Spendor silk, except for the white and the grays, and used the Kreinik as specified but heavier weight for the needlepoint canvas. The border is worked entirely in white Neon Rays. This piece won 2nd Place in the Independent Project, Professional, category at the Indian Wells ANG Seminar last year. It now lives in the guest room of our Las Vegas house, accompanied by 2 bargello pieces which I will share with you next!


  1. That is really great! Love your border too. I'm amazed how many things you have done.

  2. This is gorgeous! I have been thinking about using a x stitch chart to needlepoint and this just proves it can be done! Congratulations on the win!
