Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dolphin Daze

I'm back to work on my MNA piece and getting more & more frustrated by it! I am also working on this month's SOTM so will have a pic of that later this week. In the meantime, this is a piece I stitched 20 years ago, or so, and I still love it. I drew the dolphin one night as I was watching a TV show about dolphins and somewhere along the way I thought it would be fun to put him on a background of changing patterns. Most of the patterns came from books, but I put them together in such a way that they sort of blend together, plus I messed with the shading. The dolphin is stitched in wool and all the rest is floss.


  1. Liz,

    I find it fascinating the way that you have stitched it making it a very unique piece.

    Wonderful work :-)

    Pierrette =^..^=

  2. Cool. Interesting what inspires us.

  3. This is a fascinating patterned piece. I love these personal challenges where we create something original from ideas1

  4. This is truly a work of art. It's wonderful what we can do with just simple threads like in the "olden days" when we did't have novelty fibers.
