Monday, February 15, 2010

Double Up Finished!

Finally! Double Up is finished! As you can see, I connected the triangles to make the piece an octagon. Then I filled the resulting spaces with Criss Cross Hungarian to match the background of the center square. This idea came from one of the other Pilot Stitchers, thanks Michelle! I am quite pleased with the result & proud to have completed this challenging project.


  1. Very nice. I like how it reminds me of the beginning of an origami project with the first folds completed.

  2. Oh well done - it's absolutely gorgeous. I really do like the colours you used for this - very calm and restful. And beautifully stitched. Can we see a picture of it hanging on your wall when you get it framed?

  3. Lovely!

    Roz designed something lovely here. I'm glad I didn't stitch it (all the counting would kill me) but it was a lot of fun watching you layer on the elements.

    Thanks for sharing, Liz.
