Friday, June 11, 2010

Stitch of the Month 2010, May-June

This week I caught up on ANG's Stitch of the Month (SOTM). I hadn't done May as it was just a little bit & I didn't want to get everything out just for that. So first I did May's section.
Earlier in the year, I had done the Corner Eyelets and put in too many, but they looked nice so I left them. Well, that turned out OK because when I put in May's Crescent Cups, they went over those metallics Eyelets and look really pretty!
Next was the little Satin stitch design to fill in the corners of the cross. Didn't take too long. I'm curious now to see what comes next to fill in the blanks!


  1. This is beautiful - well thought out and well designed. I love the low/value, low intensity scheme - almost "white on white." I haven't the patience for these counted things, and certainly admire them.

  2. How lovely. Your work is always so amazing, I love the subtlety of this piece. Very ethereal. Will you frame it?

  3. It is really beautiful, and I like your colors very much!
    Best wishes,

  4. I absolutely love, love, love your colors. Would you be willing to share the colors and fibers you are using?

    Rebecca in IA

  5. I absolutely love your color combination for your SOTM project. I know I wrote to you before asking if you would share your color combination that you used but haven't heard anything from you. Is it possible?

    Rebecca in IA
