Thursday, January 27, 2011

Another Retreat Project

I have been asked to design the Free needlepoint project again for this year's Spring Retreat here in Las Vegas.  I wanted something nice & "Springy" so I resurrected this design that I did for Needlepoint Now several years ago.  This time I decided on ecru glitter canvas, 2 colors of floss plus an overdyed floss.  This is the center part.  There will be more of the borders & flowers.  I think it is going to be quite pretty!


  1. OH I love the beginning of that, can you tell me the issue of NP Now that it was in? I have been getting that magazine for four years I believe so maybe will have it?? Thanks...the colors you have chosen are just great.

  2. Thanks Santadeb! I think it was the May/June 2007 issue of Needlepoint Now. It had several colorways.

  3. Yes it was that issue. That was the first one I started my article with - I was looking at it just last week, and was surprised to see you there, as I associate you now with great bargello. I didn't know you back then.

  4. It's a gorgeous design!

