Friday, February 4, 2011

Another Retreat Project, Progress

This small piece will hopefully be done by the end of the week.  There is nother row of flowers all the way around & then another border.  It is quite a cheerful piece to work on, and doesn't tax one's brain too much!  I used a full 6 strands of floss for the purple outline & while that worked fine for the slanted (backstitched) lines, it seems too heavy for the Continental lines.  I think I'll cut that down to 4 strands for the next one.


  1. That is so pretty. Not really my colours, but coming together so well that I really like it!

  2. This is pleasant and cheerful, and not too complicated. I love the thread colors - personal preference. Using 4 ply instead of 6 does work much better on the "tent" stitches.

  3. I'm really liking this design...will you be releasing this for sale after the retreat??

    Joanie r.

  4. Thanks everyone. These aren't my colors either, but I do like it.

    Joanie, I hadn't decided about releasing it for sale, but I guess I will.

  5. Hi! I like very much your works by Jim Wurth. Could you please sell the patterns to me? I'm so interetsed in them, but unfortunately, can't find them anywhere in shops. I live in Hungary, will pay all p&p. Please, write me on
