Monday, March 14, 2011

Xanadu by Jim Wurth, FINISHED

Xanadu is finished!  Hurray!  It turned out pretty, although it is really shiny.  I don't know how I will decide to finish it, frame or box or what.  No hurry there.  For now it goes in the "finished" pile. 

This small piece (5" square) was difficult to stitch for 2 reasons:  One, I used different threads than called for and some were hard to handle.  Two, the instructions were from an old issue of Needle Pointers and were less than stellar. 

But now it is done & I will go on to something else.  I think I'll concentrate on finishing up a small cross stitch to give my Mom for her birthday in May.  Will post about it eventually.


  1. Lovely job, nice vintege look with all these cream colours. May looks nice on the lid of some wooden box :)

  2. Absolutely stunning! Will you frame it or use as a box lid? Inspired by your first picture I've ordered this issue of NP and now I have the pattern. I'm thinking to do this project in blue.....

  3. It looks fabulous. I've always liked this design and plan on stitching it one day so I'm glad that I can scream for help when the directions defeat me.

  4. My Keystone Garden Chapter is getting ready to do this. I'm not thrilled that the instructions weren't "stellar" but it looks pretty. I have a Lee purse with an insert about 5" x 5" - I'd have to fill out a few extra border rows to make it work. Did you ever "finish" the piece after you stitched it? Melita
