Sunday, March 11, 2012

Menagerie, Blocks 3 & 4

Earlier this week I completed Blocks 3 & 4 of Menagerie.  This is Block 3, Eyelets.  I had fun with this one.  I did not want it to be right at the top or bottom, so I located it kind of in the middle on one side (see Whole Thing photo below).  I used the Wildflowers overdye (#001) and Splendor #S961. 
I worked the Algerian Eye border first and experimented with the sequence of stitching.  I found that the one that seemed smoothest to me was where I worked the 4 straight stitches first, and then the 4 slanted stitches
Next I worked the Round Eyelet, increasing the size a little.
Finally I worked the "irregular" eyelets.  I like the look of the overdye on these.    There are 2 almost regular rectangles.  When stitching the irregular ones, I found it best to skip a few holes to prevent it from being too heavy.
Next up, Block 4, Tied/Crossed Stitches.  I am amazed at how much you can pack into a 24x24 thread square!
First I did the corners in a Sprat's Head, using Splendor #S945.  The instructions had this stitch with the long side at the bottom.  Since I wanted a "corner", I went to the internet and found ANG's version which was just right, although mine is smaller.  The Splendor gives it a lovely sheen.
Next I decided to use a Rice stitch in one quadrant and a Double Leviathan in the opposite quadrant.  For these I used the Wildflowers #001 & tied them with #8 Kreinik #013.
For the center I used a Tied Windmill with the same threads.  I wanted to use a couple of the "spot" stitches for the other 2 quadrants & settled on the Squared Herringbone and the Herringbone Leaf, neither of which I had done before.  For these I used Splendor #S926 with just a touch of the Kreinik.  Finally I kinda filled in the "empty" areas with Smyrna Crosses in the Wildflowers. 
Here is what the whole thing looks like now:
And I am caught up with another project!


  1. Gorgeous and I love the colors!

  2. Wow -- that is lovely. You have picked an absolutely stunning palette.
