I've worked on the Marta Mask the last couple of days. I finally redid the whipped backstitch around the white petals on the left, then worked the petals on the right more or less the same way.
I had already decided that I would us Criss Cross Hungarian for the face, but I spent a lot of time sorting threads. I finally got a selection of shades using floss & Silk N Colors. I will fill the spaces with cross stitches, not beads.
(Her nose is not running, that is an away knot on her mouth that I haven't clipped off yet!)
This is very slow going for me. I'm finding the painted canvas difficult to stitch sometimes where the paint is a little too heavy & has clogged the holes. A couple of times I had to get a larger needle to open the holes. It is nice though to be able to use finer threads than usual for 18-count canvas.
I think she is shaping up nicely. I am eager to see more progress on this one, but you know I am a painted canvas junkie. No need to stay up all night stitching just to please me!