Mystery Retreat 2012, Portland, OR. Report #1. The retreat was a LOT of fun! I had a great time! I really like the project. I selected the gray/red color way, but changed the reds to a bright turquoise. There's a surprise, huh? Several people also changed the red, and they were all turning out really pretty. The red is gorgeous too of course!
The Retreat is 2-1/2 days of classes. There are 4 teachers and 5 sections to the project. In this case it was the center section that all 4 collaborated on. For info about the retreats in general, about the teachers, and to see all 4 colorways, go to their website at
The picture on the left below is what my project looked like when I got home: The top section was designed by Linda Reinmiller and is called Phoenix Rising. Count on Linda to come up with some really unusual and unique stitches! My Phoenix is finished and I really like it!
The right side section was designed by Mary Knapp and is called Florentine. It is really pretty and uses some Bargello. Yeah! I have almost finished this section, see photo on the right above.
The left side section was designed by Partricia Hartman and is called Mountain Pass. Pat used a variety of stitchs with some weaving included. I got half of the weaving section finished.
The bottom section was designed by Debbie Rowley and is called Ashes of the Phoenix. As you might expect, Debbie came up with some very innovative ideas! There are stitches over stitches, memory thread and some tulle for good measure.
The center section is the collaboration. I didn't get much done on it cause I kept messing up & ripping out, but it is a beautiful section. Since coming home I did redo the big center diamond and it turned out quite pretty.
When I finish the side section, I'll get a close up of it (I forgot this time!).
A very intricate piece! Can't wait to see more of it.