Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Marta Mask Progress #4

DH was gone this past weekend, so out came Marta.  This mask is a painted canvas and, for me, requires totally uninterrupted stitching time!

I completed the ribbon, which took about 4 hours.  It's amazing how long it can take to stitch a relatively small area!  Of course, some of that time was taken up deciding what stitch to use.  After being unsuccessful with Slanted Gobelin, the edges were just too jagged, I ended up using a simple Mosaic stitch.  With Mosaic, it is easy to adjust to the shape.  I used two silk threads and needle blended to go from the lightest to the darkest.  There isn't much variation, so that worked very well.

1 comment:

  1. I think the Mosaic works very well here. This is looking good. Next time, could you post a photo of the whole piece so far. I'd love to see how it's all coming together.
