Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Marta Mask, Progress #5

Last weekend I went to a stitching retreat and I took the Marta Mask by Leigh Designs along to finally work on it again.  The week before, I experimented with stitchs & beads for the "cap" on the top of her head.
I decided to Basketweave the whole cap & then over-stitch it with a metallic in a very bright, shiny silver.  I used a 4-way Continental over 2.  It took forever and it isn't as "in your face" as I had hoped.  I am almost finished with the beads over the eyes (that's what the black thread is about).  So far, all of the beads are a silver lined clear, but they look bright silver.
I think I'll have to stitch over the black above the beads, if I can, with a gray to match the face. 
Then I will put it away again for a bit while I figure out what to do for the next section, which will be the "feathers" with the squiggly lines in them.  They won't be squiggly lines for sure, as they need to have diamond shapes to somewhat mimic the cap.  I have several stitches in mind that I want to try.


  1. This is such an amazing piece! She's looking wonderful.

  2. I love seeing this piece. It's such a complicated piece and I like seeing how you decide what to do with each part. Can't wait to see it finished (but I know that's a ways off.)
