Friday, June 21, 2013

Transitions, Progress #3

Transitions is almost finished!  The Bargello stitching is finished.  I have filled in some of the "centers" but I'm not happy with most of them.  I like the copper "star" that is about in the center.  I definitely do NOT like the aqua thing, upper left and will take that out.  I'm not sure about the 2 areas where I put Jessicas (a little below center of the teal section & above center in the green section); I may add beads in the Jessicas and see how that looks, although I'm pessimistic about that.  Now I'm thinking of looking for beads instead of stitching for some of these small areas.  Especially the small one on the far right.  I almost have a feel for how I want it all to look, but the ideas haven't surfaced yet!


  1. I like the two in the orange area. Maybe it's the color of the Aqua that you don't like?Pretty piece. Melita

  2. Thanks, Melita. Yes, I think the aqua problem is the color, but also the stitch. I'm kinda thinking crystals?

  3. This has turned out to be very interesting and dynamic. I'm not big on adding beads and things (just don't like attaching them and sometimes they're overdone), but I think the smaller places would do better with beads. The Jessicas lend themselves to that too.

    Lovely design!

  4. Super! Efekt oszałamiający.

  5. Okay, that is way "MAD!!" I think you've coined a new stitching slang word! Incredibly mad!!

  6. This is a very interesting piece! I agree that maybe a little tweaking on the colors will make it just what you want. Hope those ideas rise to the surface soon.
