Friday, September 13, 2013

Serengeti by Pamela Harding

The first class I took at seminar was Serengeti, a 4-day class with Pamela Harding.  The project for this class is on "Spice" Congress cloth and uses a variety of threads and stitches.  Pamela has very kindly given me permission to post my progress.

I haven't worked on Congress cloth for a very long time and it isn't quite as hard as I remembered LOL!
To the right you can see a scan of the cover of the instructions for Serengeti.

I have changed out 4 of the threads/colors.  There was a pinkish #8 Kreinik, which I changed to a copper in the same value.  There was a Tiara which has been changed to a #12 Kreinik.  I changed the sort of violet Splendor to a dark rust Splendor.  There is also a Silk Lame Braid that I think will be replaced with a Kreinik.

Below is a photo of my progress to date.  I have been working on this piece quite a bit since returning from seminar.  Most of the sections that we started in class have been completed, getting rid of all the "spaghetti", and now I am working the blocks "in order".  The first row across the top is almost finished.

1 comment:

  1. VERY pretty! You and Pamela make a great team with her design and your stitching. Stitch faster, please. I want to see how your color changes work out.

    Jane, eating popcorn on the couch and shouting encouragement as Liz stitches her brains out
