Thursday, September 19, 2013

Serengeti, Progress #2

I have been concentrating on Serengeti.  Since it is on Congress Cloth, I know that if I ever put it away, it will never see the light of day again!  I am a little over half done I think.  The last few blocks I've done have gone fairly quickly.  Depending on when I start stitching, I can do 3 or 4 blocks per day.  So far my favorite block to stitch was the last one I did:  Tiny pink square surrounded by tan & then by green.  I like the way the arrangement of stitches looks.


  1. You are making great progress & like the colors. Looks like interesting stitches.

  2. These pieces are wonderful. Thanks for sharing about the ANG seminar.
    Happy stitching, Carol
