Saturday, October 19, 2013

Tiebele NIghts FINISHED

I know, I haven't been showing you progress photos.  Oh well, now it is finished.

Tiebele NIghts by Terry Dryden is now finished. 

I made a few changes.  I decided I didn't care for the yellow/gold parts, so I changed them to the salmon color.  Since the background of the center diamond was painted yellow, I stitched it with 071 #4 Kreinik, kind of a copper/black blend (this same color is used elsewhere but it is #12), in a 4-way Continental.  The yellow still shows through, but not so much. 

I used the brown/black overdye for the border. 

Thanks to Terry's generosity, I had plenty of thread for everything, even though I used a lot more than intended of some of the threads.  I did have to replace the bugle beads though because I wanted to do them all in one color rather than in 2 shades.  Fortunately, I had what I needed in stash.

Now I'm caught up from Seminar and back where I was before!


  1. Beautiful! And you put me to shame. I still haven't finished the two pieces from last year's Seminar classes that I took, not to mention the Dryden workshop from earlier last year.
