Friday, December 13, 2013

2-4-6 Bargello 4-Way

No, I am not sitting around eating bonbons and watching soaps.  I have been stitching, although perhaps not as much as usual.  Like everyone else, the holidays do get in my stitching way!  Also like everyone else, I do have at least one "secret" project that I can't show you till after Christmas lest the surprise leak out.
When we were in Reno the last time, I ran across a notebook of a technique I used to do, and teach, many years ago.  It is called 2-4-6 Bargello and is just a ton of fun!  I will be working on more new models for this and hope to have a class put together sometime in 2014.
This model is 2-4-6 worked as a small 4-way, it is just 5" square on 18-count, worked in Silk & Ivory with one row of Watercolours and a center of FyreWerks.  I think it is rather pretty and it will make a nice box top.