Friday, December 20, 2013

A Little Bit of Happiness, FINISHED

A Little Bit of Happiness is finished!  This project turned out to be a "bigger" project than I
thought it would be.  Jan  also has finished hers, do take a look at her lovely finish!

I have used heavier threads than the designer suggested for most of this project, and, therefore have run out of threads twice!  I also ran out of beads. The joys of working from stash!

I did not want to go across town to my LNS just for a few beads, so instead I used a different color for the beads in the center diamond and a different thread color as well. 

And, I didn't care for the look of these very shiny Magnifica beads using the pattern that Peggy designed for the center diamond area.  Instead, I redesigned it to be the same style as the corners.   I actually like that though and DH says it looks like it was supposed to be that way.  High praise indeed.

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