Monday, April 28, 2014

Kangaroo, Progress #5

Kangaroo?  What kangaroo, you are asking!  Those of you who have been with me a long time, may remember this charming fellow, although I haven't posted about (or worked on) him for a very long time.  Mr. Kangaroo is a cross stitch chart I purchased in Australia at least 5 years ago.  I got him out recently because 1. I'd really like to finish it, 2. I hate working on it because I am using some rayon floss, and 3. It is small and easy to handle.

So, here he is today, well actually last week.  I have worked on it some since I took the photo and the rayon floss parts are finished. Finally!  I do hate that stuff.  Now for lots of French Knot flowers and a ton of backstitching.  Am I the only person in the world who HATES to do cross stitch?


  1. Hate is such a strong word...I like many patterns that are cross stitched, but it is not my favorite type of needlework! Your kangaroo looks great!

  2. I hate cross stitch. It's called that because it makes my eyes cross to try and look at the charts. Silly big old things with teeny tiny symbols that all look alike and you have to COUNT. Hate cross stitch.

  3. I love counted cross stitch, I love seeing the pattern appear out of nothingness. But I really don't enjoy working with the rayon threads and my project that has LOTS of rayon was put away for about 10 years. It's been resurrected this year and I'm bargaining with myself in getting it done.

    Love your kangaroo and one day I'll work on the patterns my Mom got me from New Zealand many, many years ago, I procrastinate because they are on aida and I prefer linen.


  4. I don't hate is how I started just seems to me that it takes me forever to get anything done now!

  5. I don't like cross stitch. (There are many designs that are quite lovely, but I just don't want to stitch them). Why should I have to go over the same spot twice? Now, if you want me to go over and over it, to make a fancy stitch, I'm personally fine with that! I also really don't like the charts with the small symbols. I don't mind counting orderly things, just not 3 2 5 8 etc.

  6. Hi Liz, talk about a love-hate project! Good for you, you prevailed! I'm also glad you are well now - I heard you had been ill and was worried about you. I bought a new horse yesterday! So, I'm back in the game.
