Sunday, November 30, 2014

Linda, Progress 6

Linda is finished, except for beads.  I can't do the beads until we get moved & unpacked as my stash is in storage!  The good news is, we are moving this next week!  Yay! Finally!  It will be a few weeks before I find my stash, but at least the end is in sight!


  1. Congratulations on the almost finished piece AND the almost finished move. Enjoy every minute in your new home.

  2. It's beautiful! I love how the color all worked out. Are there a lot of beads? I'm the one who tries to come up with an alternative to a lot of beads, though I've been trying to come to terms with using them in my needlework. I'm so glad you're finally moving and that will all be over with next week.

  3. Looks lovely, Liz! Good luck with the move!

  4. very pretty. I love the colors.
