Friday, July 10, 2015


I finally got some things framed:

Twister, finished 2012, this piece will hang in our entryway along with other black/white/red things.

Mystery Retreat, Las Vegas, 2009, this huge project has been finished for 5 years!.  I had it stuck on my wall with tacks in Vegas, but now it is finally properly framed.  I actually use this piece as a stitch sampler and refer to it often!

My version of Jean Hilton's Puzzle Purse, my "Puzzle Piece".  The Puzzle Purse was a Cyberpointers' SAL in 2013.  I did not want a purse, so reworked the design area into a square.  It was quite a challenge, which was Jean Hilton's intention!  I'm pleased to have it framed now.


  1. I like your treatment of the puzzle purse. I've got the threads and canvas to stitch mine, but haven't started yet. I'm going to make a purse out of it, using dark blue leather, and carry it as a statement piece. Someday.....

    Brenda's Needlepoint Studio Blog

  2. Congratulations. It all looks wonderful and it must be great to be able to enjoy everything as you go about your normal routine.

  3. Love all your finishes. I have both Twister and Jean's Puzzle purse in my stash. You inspire me to pull them out!

  4. Your TWISTER is fabulous. Do you have a thread list you'd be willing to share?

  5. Sallie, this was the red/gray colorway listed in the pattern.
