Tuesday, January 19, 2016

O Christmas Tree

O Christmas Tree Ornament by Sharon Mann for Kreinik.
My next tiny needlepoint is a free design on Kreinik's website.  I have had this printed out for years!  On 18-count it ends up being about 2-1/8" square.  Even too small for some of the little frames I have!  
I did not use beads as instructed, used Kreinik instead.  I just didn't want to put that much work into it!  (Beads are "work" to me.)  I also used floss instead of the Silk Mori.  I think it turned out cute.


  1. Cute! I'm with you on the beads. I'll use Kreinik or some other metallic instead any time I can.

  2. Is this pattern still available?

  3. The pattern was still on Kreiniks free page last week. I think it had a different name.
