Friday, March 18, 2016

5-4-3-2-1, Progress #5

I haven't worked on this for a really, really long time!  Last weekend I got it out and stitched on it and realized I had accomplished quite a bit since the last time I showed it here.
This was intended to be a silk gauze project, but I am doing it on black 18-count canvas.  I changed all the threads, but tried to keep the colors as close as possible.  It is tedious to work on, but I think it will be really exceptional when finished.

By the way, my cataract surgery went very well.  Much better than last time.  In only a week, I am able to work on this project!

This is what it is supposed to look like:


  1. This is looking great! You'll be finished in no time, Hahahaha.

    So glad to hear that the surgery went well.

  2. That is a really cool piece!! Glad that the surgery went well and you are able to stitch!
