Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Bag Ladies, Progress #2

Quite a bit has been done on Bag Ladies since I last posted about it.  There are still several cats to do, and a floor.  It is fun to work on, but figuring out the threads for each cat is time consuming!  
You can see some funny pale yellow "stuff" above the dark brown kitty on the far left.  It is supposed to be tissue paper, but it looks funny to me.  I used Flair in a random stitch, but it isn't right.  There's also supposed to be tissue by the kitty that is just below the white tail.  Any ideas?  I may just fill those areas in with the bag color & stitch.


  1. The cats are great! I love what you're doing with this design! As for the tissue paper, my inclination would be to do it in something with a matte finish (like Mandarin Floss or Capri 18) in a very simple stitch. Knowing me, I'd opt for basketweave, since those spots appear to be against more interesting stitches. The matte finish would more closely mimic the flat finish of the tissue paper. All in my head, though, all in my head.

  2. Love this and thank you for posting it. Can it be 3D? That was my first thought, but Sara Leigh is probably right...
