Sunday, June 3, 2018


I've been sick for over two weeks now, and I can tell you I am sick of being sick!  It started with hay fever but since I have COPD it turned into bronchitis. All I do is cough and blow my nose!  I haven't stitched at all in more than a week--I'm falling way behind. There are also some stomach issues at the same time, making me even more happy!
Anyway,  it'll probably be another week or two before I post again.


  1. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, hope you are feeling well soon.

  2. I'm so sorry! I hope you get some relief soon!

  3. Hope you get back to your old self soon. I too used to suffer from bronchitis all the time. Then I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and use CPAP equipment every night. I don’t even catch colds anymore. I’m breathing warm, filtered, moist air that keeps my sineses clear. I also sleep clear through the night without having to go to the bathroom (doctor says that’s just a habit). Maybe your pulmonologist can see if this would help.

  4. Dear Liz, I'm so sorry! You must be twitching like an addict deprived of her fix. But, it must have happened before, so this too shall pass - cold comfort, but better than nothing.

    You probably won't remember that I ordered the Rainbow Horses from you last year. Foolishly I didn't take a photo of the finished product, but I was very pleased with them and the friend I made them for loves them. I had them block-mounted and he found a good place to prop them up against a sideboard shelf, where they look cheerful and dynamic. Thank you!

    Oh, and I modified the background: used subtly variegated thread in six colours, three blues for the sky and three greeny browns for the ground. Dream horses in a real landscape. The threads are House of Embroidery perle #8, which are locally manufactured.

    Get well soon.

  5. Oh, no! Beloved has bronchitis, too, but at least he's not throwing up. Get better soon, you hear?
