Friday, June 28, 2019

A Surprise Jody House Design

I found this pattern languishing in the back of a file. It had apparently been there since approximately 1982.  Just what I needed:  A simple (wrong) little piece to relax (wrong again) with in front of the tv.  
This was meant to be worked entirely in floss.  Well we don't
do that these days much, so I gathered up a variety of threads, including floss, in my favorite colors and a piece of aqua canvas that was cut to a good size and settled down.
Well, let me warn you:  It isn't always easy to substitute just any old thread for floss!  
I used FyreWerks for the center and ripped it out over and over because it is so shiny I couldn't tell what I was doing!  And it went on from there.  I think I ripped more on this little 4" square Than on anything I've ever stitched!!
There was supposed to be another row of Double Leviathan all around, but I didn't want the extra size.
Anyway, it'll make a nice ornament.


  1. It is lovely, nonetheless. Well worth the ripping and ripping, as I see it. Of course, I wasn't doing the stitching and ripping and stitching and ripping.
