No will power - I've started another project! This one is Tumbling Stripes by Marilyn Owens. It's a charming design and fun to stitch. My progress is below. Surprise, I changed all the colors 😊!! I'm using, wait for it, turquoise & copper on black canvas. Oh, you already guessed?! Anyway, there are 2 more of the mostly turquoise stripes and then the rest will be mostly copper. I'm liking it!!
Three down, four to go! Same design, different colors, different centers. Very quick stitch, but sloooow to finish! That's because I'm not good at the finishing part, but too cheap to use a professional. I've been experimenting with different finishing methods. Found another one on Pinterest last night, so the next one will have a tassel on the bottom instead of a bow on top. I'll let you know how that goes.
Just before Halloween, I started Laura Perin's "Holiday Wreath". I've only worked on it a couple of times. It is larger than I thought it would be. I only manage one or two packages per session. It may not be ready for Xmas this year, LOL, you think?!! Here's my progress so far:
I worked on Mariposa this last weekend. I really need to work on this more often! It takes half my stitching time to figure out where I was. The first section is finished and I have just a start on the second section. I quit when I did because I didn't feel like fussing with Neon Rays, which is the next thread to be used! 🌝
Glitz & Glamour Sapphire by Debbie Rowley is complete. As you can see, I changed ALL the colors. It looks totally different! I wanted it to go with Carnelian and used the same colors, threads, canvas. Below shows them together. Believe it or not, they are really the same colors!! The overdye is even from the same skein. The canvas is Aquamarine on both. Different camera, different light. I adjusted them the best I could.