Friday, April 15, 2011

Twister Progress #9

I worked on Twister yesterday.  I missed one Sunday, but now this quadrant is a little more than half done.  I will miss next Sunday too, but at least I am making slow progress. 
One of the things I have tried to do is make the direction of the stitch patterns in each section make it look like it is turning to the center.  I don't think I'm getting that.  It is harder to do than I thought it would be!


  1. I am loving the look of your twister. A group of us who stitch together every Thursday night is thinking of starting this soon. Any tips to get started. Anything we should do before getting the needle out?

    Any tips would be welcome.

    Rebecca in IA

  2. Thanks Rebecca. I would advise you all to study the directions carefully before you begin. Being a "charted" person, I charted all the sections. I couldn't stand the thought of my lines not being perfectly straight. I'm glad I did. Either way, you have probably noticed that I outline each section before stitching it. That really makes the compensation much easier. Good luck!
