I don't have any stitching to show you, so I thought I would share with you: If you have never seen this book, "Needlepoint: The art of canvas embroidery" by Mary Rhodes, you owe it to yourself to try to get a look at it. This book was published in England in 1974. Maybe your library has it? Or your LNS? If you own it, get it out and take another look, I'll bet you haven't looked at it in years. I hadn't. It is a fabulous book. There are the most wonderful stitched pieces, so much inspiration! Rhodes was a master at combining stitches and creating incredible texture without the wonderful threads that we have today. You probably know that she created the Rhodes stitch, which is one that we all use and love. But you may not know what an amazing artist she was. I came across this book the other day when I was searching through my library for ideas for textured stitches and I've been looking at it ever since!
I'll bet we all have books in our libraries that we haven't looked at in ages. Maybe it is time to see what treasures we have forgotten. I found one and I just know I have others. How about you?
(Added later) One of the things I love about this book is the interesting stitch combinations. There's one piece that alternates Rhodes stitches & Square Eyelets of the same size. It looks wonderful. Another one combines Smyrnas and Rhodes and Tent. Surround a Rhodes (over 5) with Tent Stitches, then surround it with Smyrnas. Develops a wonderful kind of diaper pattern repeat.