The G is in its tray. I'm quite pleased with the way it looks! I may not post again for a week or two (three?) because we are remodeling the kitchen and 2 bathrooms. (Don't worry we have a third that we will use!) Demolition begins tomorrow and we will be without a functioning kitchen for 3-4 weeks. We are setting up a temporary "kitchen" in the Master Bathroom! I just keep reminding myself how beautiful it will be when it's finished!
The commissioned letter G is finished. I hope to get it in its tray in the next few days. The border worked out well, although I had a scary moment when I thought it didn't fit right. Turned out fine! I left the center of the G with open canvas as I thought the compensation of the Reverse Scotch would just make it look messy. I'm very happy with the way it turned out!
Some of you will have already seen this on Facebook, but for the rest: Some months ago I decided the windowseat in our loft needed a cushion. Well, in my house that means a needlepoint cushion. First measure: Holy cow, it needs to be 18" by 60"! That's five feet!! I managed to find 9 pieces of stitched needlepoint that I had never "finished" and that sort of coordinated. I also had fabric that could be used for the sashing and backing. It took awhile, several tries, to find a layout that works and for which I have enough of the rust fabric (for sashing). Some needlepoints will be sewed directly to each other, but some need filler (sashing). Here is the fabric and (sort of) final layout. The backing fabric is an upholstery weight velveteen, I think.