The ANG Chapter in Las Vegas is doing Jim Wurth's Xanadu as a group project and I have just started it. This pattern appeared in NeedlePointers, July 2009 issue.
I chose my colors starting with Frosty Rays Y357 and #8 & #12 Kreinik Braid #4005. I added Neon Rays N92, Neon Rays Plus NP92, FyreWerks FT33 and #12 & #8 DMC Perle Cotton #3033. I should have had Petite Frosty Rays, but the color I wanted didn't come in Petite. The Petite would have been easier to use on the 18-count canvas (Eggshell), but I like the way it looks as is. DH said he'd never seen me work so hard to pull a thread through the canvas!
I have a good start and it is looking really pretty. This pattern is fun to stitch & goes fairly quickly. It is not too big, finished size is about 5" square. I think it will make a really pretty box top. It is waaaaay sparkly in person!