I have made quite a bit of progress on Jean Hilton's "Whisper", a 2002 design. It is coming along quite nicely. I have had a number of counting problems and had to frog multiple times! Part of the problem was the poor light on the cruise, and part of the problem was lack of attention! This pattern is not for the faint of heart! The instructions are not as detailed as they might be and so you have to study & decide how to proceed. After working one of each main stitch pattern, I decided to work all of the Rhodes stitches first, but leave the Mistake stitches till last. Then I worked all of the Waffles, then the Pinwheels (aren't they fun? I love to work these). Then I went back and put in the metallic cross stitches over the Waffles and outlining the Rhodes. Only then did I go back and put in all the Mistake stitches.

Progress on BOINK is moving along too. I finished ALL of the outlining (Happy Dance!). I also did all of the tiniest squares, using Threadworx overdyed floss #10341 for all of them. Next I will stitch the 2 bottom corner squares, trying to make them go with the top corners.
Both of these designs are coming nicely. I've done two Jean Hilton designs and know how challenging they can be. I have BoInk, but haven't started it yet. It's fun to watch you work on this and see how things go together. Love the colors on this one!
Hi Liz,
You are making great progress and we wouldn't have known about your "challenges" if you hadn't told us! :-)
I know I'm really tired tonight and that might be why but the upper right hand corner looks like a sideways bunny to me right now... LOL
I'll look again tomorrow when I'm more rested!
Windy Meadow
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