Yesterday I went to my LNS. Although I was not looking for patterns, I found this darling Charley Harper pattern. It just jumped right into my arms! I love Charley Harper's designs and had not seen this one before. It would be really fun to stitch with a variety of threads & stitches.
What I really went shopping for was materials for my next Bargello - Twelve Days of Christmas. The canvas is a really dark green, which didn't photograph well laying on a white table! I won't use all of these threads, but I couldn't decide on the darkest green so I got several different things to try.
I had to laugh at your new Charley Harper chart since a raccoon just raided the dog food in the garage last week. I went out to see a fuzzy butt rapidly retreated and an overturned can. These varmints will definitely head down the chimney if given half a chance!
You'll have a blast stitching it.
I love Charley Harper too - and did a lot of his X-stitch charts during the 80's in needlepoint.(A lady in Tallahassee had the rights to do the charts from his paintings) Be sure and let us see it as you stitch!
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