I have started the second Interactive Ribbons Bargello. This one is also in Silk & Ivory and Kreinik Holographic Ribbon, 1/16" this time. It didn't fit on the scanner so one side is a little cut off, but you get the idea. The color didn't come out too well. The lightest color is a little more peachy. The canvas is Vintage Red (I think that's what it's called) and pretty much eliminataes any show through with these threads. There will be no canvas showing when it is finished. The Holographic Ribbon is bright red. The background on this one will be a little different than the first one I did. It is going quite quickly and I hope to have it finished fairly soon. It is such fun to stitch!
It looks beautiful so far, can't wait to see the finished piece.
Very nice! The ribbons actually seem to move. I like the touch of the Kreinik holographic.
It's amazing that a change in colors makes a piece look so different. I'm looking forward to seeing the new background. I really liked the first one, but we'll see how the second one looks. And it's moving along so quickly too.
love the red. I'm using the Holographic Kreinik on a small ornament and I can definetly tell the difference between it and regular ribbon or braid-it's much more reflective. I actually stripped it and blended it with silk and it looked wonderful. It was on a small area otherwise I wouldn't have had the patience to do all that stripping. You'll be done with this in no time.
I love this colorway. The canvas and threads are such a good match.
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